Breakfast for Babies


As you know, I started my new job this week, which is at the same time exciting and exhausting.  Meeting new people (whose names I can never remember), learning new systems while still trying to be efficient and accurate – it’s daunting.

But, as I am sure you will agree, all of that takes a second to the emotional toll of leaving the littles for 12 hours at a time.  My kids have always had a caretaker, because I have always worked.  Full-time with my first, and part-time now, but still – they know what it means when “Mommy has to work today.”

June is great about it – this is old news to her and she knows the drill.  She will still get to go to all of her classes and have her play dates – her day will go on as usual.  And Harvey is a baby – too young to really know the difference.  So it should be easy peasy, right?  Well…

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